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Controversy, Shitivaraka, Synonymy’s,Sunnishanaka,Kurantika, Kurantak, Dhalhantika.

How to Cite

lavate, nitin n. (2021). A REVIWE OF CONTROVERSIAL ASPECT OF DRUG SHITIVARAK (Celosia argentealinn.). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/922


Controversy in the identification of drugs is one of the major barriers in the field of medicine as well as in the process of standardization. There are so many reasons for the creation of controversies in a field that is Misunderstanding and misinterpretation of thesynonymies of drugs.

The drug Shitivaraka (Celosia argentealinn.)is mentioned and has utilized by the Brihtrayi for the treatment.Here controversy arises due to some synonymy’s like Sunnishanaka ,Kurantika, Kurantak etc. and efforts has been made to clarify all doubts with help of Dhalhantika. This drug was less used by later Ayurvedic Physicians. But since long, this is one of the best drugs used in the armamentarium of BhrihattrayiRatanVaidyarajA.V.Datar who is founder of VaidyarajDatarPanchmabhutikChikitsa and Samshodhan Kendra, Sangli. This drug is available in abundant quantity at low cost. So this may be the choice of drug for the physician for treatment of the patient.

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