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Cholecystitis, Gall stone, Cholagogues, Choleretics, Chenodeoxycholic acid, Cholecystectomy.

How to Cite

Rajput, K., Gavand, R., & Ramteke, A. (2022). EFFICACY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS IN CHOLECYSTITIS WITH THEIR AYURVEDIC PERSPECTIVE. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(01). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/939


Cholecystitis is the most common benign disease affecting the gall bladder mostly occuring in the middle aged female population. Gall stone disease is a very common gastrointestinal disorder seen in four “F” Female, Fourty, Fertile, Fatty. The incidence of gall stone disease is 10% - 20% of the world population . In India, prevalance of gall stone disease has been reported as 2 - 29% and seven times more common in the north India. In today’s era, some patient with cholesterol gall stones were treated with high doses of chenodeoxycholic acid and this kind of treatment was suitable only for 20% of people. Therefore, cholecystectomy is presently one of the commonest operation done for this disease. Many of the time surgery is contraindicated in various medical conditions. Understanding the epidemiology and pathology of gall stone formation helps in improving therapy and possibly preventing the disease. Here comes need of Ayurveda. Ayurveda emphasizes good health, prevention and treatment of illness with the use of medicinal herbs. In Ayurveda, herbal cholagogues (promoting the flow of bile from the liver and gall bladder into the intestine) and herbal choleretics ( increasing bile production) are mentioned which helps in prevention of gall stones. Example – Kokilaksha , kutaki, chitrak, kumari, sharpunkha etc.So in this paper a review on plants acting on cholecystitis with their probable mode of action is explained.

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