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Kativata (Lumbar Spondylosis) ,Yogbasti , Katibasti , Ksheerbasti , degenerative, desiccation of disc, multilevel peridiscal osteophytes.

How to Cite

Ali, B. S. A. A., Vipul, D. G. V. A., & Dr.Pandit Puja Sharadchandra. (2022). AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF DHATUKSHAYAJANYA KATIVATA W.S.R. TO LUMBAR SPONDYLOSIS- A CASE STUDY. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(01). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/955


In today’s era everybody is busy and living stressful life. Low back pain affects approximately 60-85% of adults during some point of life from which in geriatrics it is mostly due to degenerative changes in spine. Overlooking of back pain and using temporary medicine without proper diagnosis leads to painful complication. Kativata which is correlated with LS is degenerative condition affecting disc, vertebral bodies or associated joints of lumbar spine. In this case study due to working lifestyle & ageing , degenerative changes in the form of multilevel peridiscal osteophytes , dehydration & desiccation of disc with pain and stiffness in lower back were observed. Assessment of Sahachar tail katibasti , yogbasti of sahachar tail & dashmool kwatha done. After Yogbasti Ksheerbasti given for next 15 days. Improvement in cardinal symptoms of kativata were observed . It also provided significant results in improving Oswerty Disability Index (ODI) Scale & pain intensity .  The possible understanding of the case in terms of Ayurveda and a therapeutic protocol with promising result has been discussed.

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