Effect of ayurvedic medicine in the management of mukhpak (stomatitis): an observational study.
Main Article Content
MUKHPAK (stomatitis) is most common disease of oral cavity and can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of the checks, gums, lips, palate and tongue. It can disrupt a person’s ability to talk, eat and sleep. This is an observation study on Mukhpak (stomatitis) patients which complaints of redness, ulceration in oral cavity, salivation, pain and burning sensation in mouth treated with 3-4 times local application of gairik with goghrita up to 7 days and Triphala and Daruharidra kawal + gandusha up to 7 days. Study demonstrated that ayurvedic internal and local application of medicines is the so fast, simplest, economical and effective drug therapy in the management of Mukhpaka due to anti-inflammetory, analgesics as well as healing property of gairik and goghrita.
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