An overview on the concept of “Aam” and its significance as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.
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Aam, Dosha, Dushya, Agnimandya, saam, niraam, vyadhi.

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Katare, T., Sharma, D., Puradkar, G., & Dudhamal, A. (2020). An overview on the concept of “Aam” and its significance as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(01). Retrieved from


Aam is an important concept described by Ayurvedic Acharyas which is responsible for many diseases. According to Ayurvedic point of view, all diseases are originated from aamdosh, vitiation of Agni i.e malfunction of Agni produces Aam. Aam is unripe, undigested food which is caused due to Agnimandya. Agnimandya produces aam and viceversa. We all know that all diseases are caused due to Agnimandya. Therefore as agnimandya and aam are the causative factors of each other, aam is the root cause of all diseases. Hence aam and agnimandya plays an important role in diagnosis and treatment of disease. Nowadays due to lack of exercise, unhygienic and unhealthy diet, incapability to obey the rules of sound body maintenance and increasing pollution results in agnimandya and aam production in the body and decrease in immunity resulting into various diseases. The concept of aam is the most important fundamental principal of Ayurveda in understanding the physio- pathology of the disease.

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1. Ayurvedacharya Yadunandana upadhya;Madhavanidana volume 1. Adhaya 25,aamavatanidanm shloka 13.
2. Ayurvedacharya Yadunandana upadhya;Madhavanidana volume1. Adhaya 25 aamavatanidanm shloka 2-5.
3. Tripathi Ravidatta; Charak samhita 8 ed.Chaukhambha bharti academy, Varanasi1981. Chikitsasthana 15 Grahanichikitsa shloka 44.
4. Tripathi Ravidatta; Charak samhita 8 ed.Chaukhambha bharti academy, Varanasi1981, sutrasthana 21 Astaunanditiyaadhay shloka4.
5. Tripathi Ravidatta; Charak samhita 8 ed.Chaukhambha bharti academy, Varanasi1981. Chikitsasthana 17 Hikka-shwasa
chikitsitm shloka 42.
6. Tripathi Ravidatta; Charak samhita 8 ed.Chaukhambha bharti academy, Varanasi1981. Chikitsasthana 15 Grahanichikitsa shloka 42-47.

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