"Conceptual study of the Anukta Vyadhi w. s. r. to Covid-19 Disease."
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Anukta vyadhi, covid-19, janapadodhwansa, pittolbana vatakapha jwara.

How to Cite

Dr. Ansari Huma, Patil, P., & Dudhamal, A. (2020). "Conceptual study of the Anukta Vyadhi w. s. r. to Covid-19 Disease.". Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/798


Covid –19 or Novel Coronavirus is a disease originally distinguished in China at the end of 2019, has caused an enormous worldwide flare-up and a significant general medical problem. Henceforth, WHO has pronounced Coronavirus as the sixth public health emergency of global concern. To forestall the spread of this infection all nations had powerfully placed lockdown. Since no vaccine has been affirmed till now the triads of early evaluating, isolating, and treating the patients were trailed by different medical services places. It is more predominant among the old-aged related to comorbidities and in immunosuppressed. Since this condition is related to numerous complications on many systems, clinical features ranging from asymptomatic to SARS, pneumonia to death of an individual, it has become a need to study this illness fundamentally. Coronavirus is a new disease entity for the Ayurveda which comes under Janapadodhwanasa (worldwide epidemic), Upasargika vyadhi (communicable diseases), and Anukta vyadhi. The term Anukta is used in the sense of unuttered, unsaid, and unheard. The Concept of Anukta is one such time-tested principle that is useful to understand the new disease, drug, and formulations. Covid19 isn't mentioned in traditional writings of Ayurveda yet with the guideline of Anukta vyadhi the pathogenesis, the management, and prevention of the illness can be perceived. 

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