A Conceptual Review Of Kajjali
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Kajjali, Parad, Gandhak, Moorchana, Parad Bandha.

How to Cite

Pranali Vasantrao Patankar. (2022). A Conceptual Review Of Kajjali . Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(01). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/948


Ayurveda explains the usage of various metals, minerals and herbo-mineral preparation in therapeutics which are mainly described in rasashastra. Rasaushadhis are used in various dosage forms like Kharaliya, Parpati, Pottali, Kupipakwa Rasayana. Kajjali is a kharaliya kalpa as it is prepared by trituration of parad with specific proportion of gandhak with the help of mortar and pestle till formation of black powder like collyrium. Kajjali is a novel concept of ancient Indian drug delivery system. Kajjali is also mentioned as Kajjali Bandha. Also, Kajjali is a sagandha niragni moorchana of parad by the means of which it has definite disease curing capacity called as vyadhighatktva. Kajjali is used as sahapana, anupana, acts as sarvamayhara, vrishya and cures disorders of tridosha. The present study deals with the conceptual study of kajjali in accordance with parada bandha, moorchana, preparation, types of kajjali, analysis of kajjali, Uses of kajjali, various formulations of kajjali, Toxicity of Kajjali.


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